Summary: "In a quiet village surrounded by ancient woods and the imposing Italian Alps, a man is found naked with his eyes gouged out. It is the first in a…
Summary: "In a quiet village surrounded by ancient woods and the imposing Italian Alps, a man is found naked with his eyes gouged out. It is the first in a…
Summary: "How far would you go to save the life of someone you love? This is the question the Babcock family struggles with when 12-year-old Ashley is diagnosed with diabetes,…
Summary: "In the city of Atlanta, women are dying—at the hands of a killer who signs his work with a single, chilling act of mutilation. Leaving behind enough evidence to…
" What's a girl to do all alone with a rodeo cowboy for 1 month in the Wyoming wilderness? Melanie Summers has something to prove! Being a zoologist is her…
Summary: "David Mitchell follows his eerily precocious, globe-striding first novel, GHOSTWRITTEN, with a work that is in its way even more ambitious. In outward form, NUMBER9DREAM is a Dickensian coming-of-age…
Summary: "Following a scalding row with her mother, fifteen-year-old Holly Sykes slams the door on her old life. But Holly is no typical teenage runaway: a sensitive child once contacted…
Summary: "Shane loves her but is afraid of her sickness. They've been together for years, but have grown apart. Even though they constantly fight, he clings to her as much…
Summary: "Celebrities hold zero interest for photographer Jo Wilder. That's a problem, since snapping pics of the stars is how the pretty paparazza pays the rent. So when Jo attempts…
Summary: "It is Midsummer's Eve. Three young friends meet in a wood to act out an elaborate masque. But unknown to them, they are being watched. With a bullet each,…
"On the afternoon of October 12, 1990, my twin brother, Thomas, entered the Three Rivers, Connecticut, public library, retreated to one of the rear study carrels, and prayed to God…